Affordable Dentures Everett, WA

Are Dentures Right for Me?

Often times we have patients come to us who are unsure if dentures are the right solution for them. Who is a candidate for dentures? We always say that anyone who is missing all of their teeth or multiple teeth could be a good fit for this solution.

Dentures are designed to look as much like natural teeth as possible. They fill in where all of the teeth are missing along the bottom or top gum line – or both. They can also be designed to fill in the gaps where maybe just a couple of teeth are missing.

What Benefits do Dentures Provide?

There’s several benefits to getting dentures as replacement teeth.

affordable dentures everett waImproved Self Confidence – First and foremost, one of the most apparent benefits to getting these replacement teeth is an improved self image. When a person is missing one or more of their teeth, it’s often something that they’re extremely self conscious about. It’s something that often lingers in the back of their mind every time they’re conversating with someone in person or having to take photos. We believe that no one should ever feel as if they need to hide their smile. Getting replacement teeth is usually an instant confidence booster as well as provides a better quality of life due to this.

Eating – A second huge benefit of getting dentures for many, is being able to eat a normal diet again. It can be very debilitating to be limited to what foods you’re able to eat due to missing teeth. Not only is it frustrating, but it can also lead to a whole other host of issues like malnourishment. It’s not safe nor viable to not be able to eat a normal, healthy diet. Not only that, but life is a lot more fun when you can indulge in the foods that you so love to treat yourself to.

Speaking – Another benefit to getting dentures, that people often don’t initially think about, is that of being able to speak better. It’s quite difficult to speak when missing all of your teeth but even with only a few missing, it can often cause problems with speaking properly. When first getting dentures, it usually takes just a little bit of time to get use to having them in your mouth, but shortly after the speech of a person typically begins to drastically improve.

Are There Different Types of Dentures?

Yes. There are a few different types of dentures – a dentist will do an exam to figure out which ones are the right solution for you.

Full Dentures – These are a common type. Full dentures, also known as complete dentures, are ones that replace all of the teeth along a gum line, either top or bottom, or both.

Partial Dentures – These are the type that may be suggested when you still have some of your natural teeth remaining. It could be one tooth remaining or multiple. This type of denture will help to hold the natural tooth or teeth in place.

Same Day Dentures – These are also called “immediate dentures”. With these, typically a patient has them put on during an office visit right after they’ve had teeth removed or extracted. There are some oral health stipulations that are required to be a candidate for this type.

Over Dentures – With this type, they’re actually held over the gum by a dental implant on either jaw. These are still removable like the others.

Snap-In (Implant Supported) Dentures – These are typically a good solution for patients who are missing all of their teeth on a gum line but still have enough bone to be able to structurally hold an implant. These actually are designed to snap onto the implant. These are a very popular kind as they’re more stable than some other types.

Custom Dentures – Sometimes custom dentures can be a little more costly, but worth the money. These are designed specifically by your dentist to match your smile and often times look more natural.

What Type of Care Is Involved?

When getting dentures, it’s important to be committed to taking proper care of them. Not only will it help them last longer before needing to be replaced, but it’s also imperative to your overall oral health.

Dentures are designed for easy removal and cleaning purposes in mind. Just like your natural teeth, your dentures need to be cleaned every single day. We recommend using a soft bristled brush as well as non abrasive cleanser. There are several different types of dental cleansers on the market and your dentist can make suggestions for you as well.

We also suggest soaking your dentures at night so you wake up with a clean, fresh start the next morning. When brushing them, you want to be sure to brush as you would your natural teeth in the way that you’re trying to remove any plaque or other particles that have built up on them throughout the day. If you use any type of gel or adhesive to hold them in place, you’ll want to make sure to properly clean the remaining parts of that off each day.

What is the Cost?

The pricing of dentures will vary depending on what type you get and what needs to be done with them. Dentures are generally a less expensive option than other methods, such as dental implants. However, while dentures may be a lower upfront cost than some of the other solutions available, there are long term costs that should be considered – such as adhesive gels, cleaning products, and replacements. Dentures are not designed to last forever and typically will need to be replaced at some point.

As with all things, the better care you take of them, the longer they’ll last for you.

Still Have Questions?

Are you still unsure if dentures are the right solution for you? Go ahead and give our Everett Dental Office a call today – no question is too small and our dental experts are here to guide you to the best, most cost saving solution that meets your needs.

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